Sunday, 15 July 2012

The End Of An Era

                                               Now Comic Con has come and gone
                                               And never no more will we see
                                               The Twilight Saga together in Hall H
                                               Where the perfection of Rob came to be.

                                               For four stunning years he's thrilled us
                                               Bringing gorgeous Edward Cullen to screen
                                               With his bronzed hair and topaz eyes
                                               He's the sexiest vampire we've seen.

                                               The haunting looks he's sent our way
                                               The danger and romance was bliss
                                               Who'd forget "You'll always be my Bella?"
                                               Or that very first heart pounding kiss?

                                                Breaking Dawn 2 will be the very last dose
                                                Of a drug that will be so hard to break
                                                Edward Cullen introduced Rob into my life
                                               With a smile that made my heart ache.

                                                Even though this event has a bittersweet taste
                                                Rob will continue to make us all smile
                                                That line of his: "Keep it in your pants!"
                                                Had all the makings of his inimitable style.

                                                So it's onward and upward of our favourite man
                                                With projects galore waiting in line
                                                But for now I'm saying thank you Edward Cullen
                                                For Rob, who I'll follow and love for all time. ♥

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